Core credit request

In order to receive a core credit, you can send your part to us.
After the part is estimated by our technicians, you will receive the credit.

Usually we offer: $50 for an actuator, $150 for a panel, controller or joystick (depends on the part number)

NOTE: The price is valid in the absence of the following defects:
 -Water damage
-External/physical damage
-Extensive corrosion
-Burned beyond repair
-Broken or fragile case
-Rust contamination.
In the presence of these defects, the price will be determined individually.

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Your message has been sent successfully, we hope to respond within 24 hours.

DO NOT ship without an order number
Always contact us before sending

ISOSCELL, 5267 North Central Avenue
chicago, IL 60630, US

About us
We aim to offer you a top quality repair service at a more than affordable price.

isoscell is an independent reseller and it is not affiliated with any company or equipment manufacturer